Three years in the clear, knock on wood. I made a vow to shave my head every year on St. Patrick's Day until a cure for children's cancer is found, because I do not have the intelligence nor the stomach to be a pediatric oncologist like my saviour, Doctor Gowda. Besides going bald, Spring Break has been pretty solid. I went on a cruise and soared like a bird over Paradise Island, Bahamas. Besides Spring Break, life on a holistic level, has been pretty solid. I'm contemplating over the decisions that I have to make in the Spring because life is like one big poker game, sometimes you got to wager a lot but the reward may be worth the risk. I've made some bad decisions on my life, or so I thought. You just got to have faith in others and remain confident, no matter how hard life gets. If you strongly believe in faith and remain confident and give everything time, then all works out. Getting cancer in the junior year of high school was a huge detriment for my social maturing, but I've made up for all the thrills I missed junior year, and realize that I was not missing out on that much. Like they say in the Bahamas and Caribbean, same shit same island. Same goes in college, same shit same party. All parties are the same. The alcohol is flowing, the students are acted like horny dogs, humping and grinding on the dance floor, and in the back room, your friend is probably getting lucky with one of the easy ones that's slept with more than half of the fraternity. There's more to life than tits and ass in a masculine tone. It's not about being the big man on campus, it's about being happy with yourself and being cocky with yourself not others. These next few days should be the happy ending to Spring Break, lmao. I love Umiami but for some reason, it just does not live up to the party reputation that it's rumored about being. UCF or the University of Cristal Fellas, knows how to entertain their clients. We'll I got to get some work done. Check back on Sunday for an updated blog about the remainder of Spring Break.
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