So it is with much sadness and disappointment that Spring Break '09 is coming to an end. On Thursday afternoon, after a wholesome lunch at the country club, I began the ending of a solid Spring Break '09. After a three-hour drive, with an unexpected hour delay due to a shooting between a carjacker and Florida sheriff on I95, I arrived in Winter Park, Florida. Now all I can say about Winter Park, FL is WHOA! It is like an Italian-style Palm Beach, Florida, filled with the most upscale restaurants and shops. And to top it off, one of the most expensive colleges in the United States. Rollins College is unlike any university, sitting on Lake Virginia, it is a model of an Italian village with it's villa structures that are called dormitories. After entering the dining hall at Rollins, I grew even more jealous. Have you ever been to dining hall that has a real Japanese sushi bar with a REAL Japanese sushi maker?! These students are spoiled to the brim! From the lavishing food to the nicest dormitories I've ever seen in my life, featuring the sickest floor lounges with the latest technology, like 50" plasma televisions. For the tuition I pay at University of Miami, I am a bit disappointed that the "Tars" get so much more for their very similar tuition. After being seduced by the campus, food, and everything else at Rollins College, I was ready to see if the students are able to keep up with the tolerance level of a Miami Hurricane. On Thursday night, we pre-gamed in one of the dormitories, though after killing half a handle of Smirnoff Vodka mixed with both Monster energy drinks and Sprite, I was still able to walk in a straight line. After warming up, it was time to roll out to one of Orlando's classy night clubs. Club Lime Light is where it was at! After a very interesting cab ride with our Asian cab driver, we were ready to get our noodles wet. The club was very nice, like any club, the liquor was flowing, the girls were giving it up on the dance floor, and it was a normal Thursday night for the party-animal college student. Still with an attempt to get his buddy from Miami messed up, my buddy failed, ha. After a few Vodka-sprites, I was ready to make some babies on the dance floor with the Whorelando dance squad, also known as the hoochies of Rollins. By the time we knew it, 2 o'clock ran around and the club was closing. So like every one else, we played the grab-a-cab game. Arrived back to Rollins, me still only buzzed, but my friends were absolutely belligerent? So what does a drunk do next? Yep, order food. Now Rollins has this deal with Dominos so my bro ordered up a feast of cheap Italian food and by 4AM it was all in our stomachs and we were passed out. 11AM rolls around, that means it's only hours away till I lose my Blizzard Beach virginity to Summit Plummet. After my bro arrives at class, it is time to go...nice teachers who don't wanna be in class on Friday just like the students, so DISMISSAL. Time to drive down to UCF now! Arrive at UCF, wait for Mike, and roll out to Blizzard Beach. Did you ever see snow in Florida? We'll I have, though it was fake haha. After 40.00 plus tax later, it was time to take the ski-lift up to Summit Plummet. Damn the line is so long and these bees are getting ready to attack us. After a 45 minute line, I finally lost my Summit Plummet V-CARD! Ahhhhhhhh, it felt so good, but not as good as... LOL. By the time we knew it, it was 4PM, and ready to dip. Time to rest up and get ready for another shit show of a night. Arrived back at UCF, hopped a ride over to Knight Lights a.ka. TD's. Free drinks till 1130PM and my bro who runs the bar hooked it up all night long. Still, no one could manage to get me drunk. After like 5 Blue-Long Islands, 4 Vodka-Sprites, 5 shots of god knows what, but it was good, I could still walk on my own two feet and hold an intelligent conversation about dem ladies and we'll everyone knows my obsession with school, so there was little mention of my future... but no one knows what I'm talking bout' so we'll keep it that way. One of my bros decided to stay behind and try n get his noodle wet with some UCF hoochies, but instead ended up in a brawl with a 6'2 black guy. Never a dull moment with my buddies, they always make it an adventure. So me being a true friend, drove back to TDs to pick his ass up. Went back to my bros apt. and we'll everyone but me inhaled the fumes of freedom and I just sat there talking it up with the AEPI and DUs of UCF. Wow, it's almost 4AM, and I'm completely sober. Time to drive back to Rollins and pass out and wake up at 10 again haha. Woke up at 11AM lol and headed back to UCF to grab lunch with my buds at FIVE GUYS, so damn good, like food orgasms, haha. Then picked up some alchy for my bud and after saying my goodbyes and goodlucks, time to return to Rollins. Time to go JEwshopping at the Premium Outlets of Orlando. FAILED, no success finding my Giorgio Armani suit and Italian-designer loafers, time to go on eBay haha. Time to grab a bite and leave for Boring Raton and then back to the place in Miami they call college, I call it a prison, haha. After Cheesecake Factory and saying my goodbye to my good bro, time to take the 2.5 hour drive back to Boca. And here I am! Sometimes I wonder what I would be like if I went to UCF and did this every weekend with my friends, would I still be that 4.0 genius or only manage to get a 3.5? There lifestyle seems so much more college-like and I'm not sure, but I kind of miss that from Maryland. Boarding the TerpShuttle and heading over to Fraternity Row, ending my night passing in E8 lounge. Oh well, sometimes you've got to gamble a little to gain a lot, so I don't know what I will be wagering in the near future. We'll unfortunately Spring Break '09 is over and I must return to reality, which does not seem anything that I experience at UCF or at Maryland.
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