Buzz!! "It's finally here, the big day where I make the transition from a immature middle-schooler to a somewhat mature student", said Brad. Thinking back to the eve of August 15th, I can remember maybe sleeping only five hours. I was so excited for my first day of high school at the renowned Spanish River Community High School. My brother drove me into the gates of freedom, or so I thought. The bell rang, and I remember pushing my petite structure through the halls that were crowded with loud, obnoxious students. "Oh no", I said. The second bell rang and i was sure to be late. I ran as fast as I could to portable 6009, where a middle-age man greeted me with a "Hello". Not did I know that this man would be one of my worse nightmares during my reign at Spanish River. "Ring", the bell went. I pushed myself throw the halls as fast as I could in order to make it to my next class both alive and on time. This time, a man about the height of 6'0 with glasses welcomed me into the world of Algebra I. Remembering back to this day, that class was one breeze for me. Let's see, next to me there was JoJo and April,where did you go April???!!!!. Then there was my bodyguard Justin, haha,. Now, the real fun begins. Ever since I was a ten year old boy in Mrs Hetman's fifth grade class, I remember drawing sketches of my fine estates that I planned to designed when I got older, but after spending 55 minutes in Mr. Barry's class, I knew that this was not the major that I was set out to do. Next class, Integrated Science. I remember an average sized lady intimidating me from the moment I walked into her classroom, and it would only continue to get worse, but I managed to maintain my strength and pull straight A's and B's. Mrs. Vacco is one strong woman, but don't let her intimidate you. You just got to show her that you can handle her work and criticism and she will learn to like you. Now it's time for lunch....NOT. Unlike most of my friends, I was given the dirty leftovers of Lunch B. So, it was on to Health with Mrs. Berke. Just an easy mandatory elective that required minimal effort. Remember discussing cellular phones and my first car, the Nissan Altima with Ashley Sater and Nadine, but of course the Altima was no where near my first car. Remember listening to some Spanish kid Nick talk about drugs and sex, and remember chatting to Diana about my brother. The second half of the year it was 4 months with Dr. Bernado. That class was AWESOME. I remember chatting with the fame SR football player Jason Chery and practicing my Spanish skills with Roxana and Noella. Now, it's time for lunch. Freshman year, I remember sitting with David, who looked like mini me compared to myself, but today looks like the freaking "Hulk". Only two more periods left till I can say, I survived the River. Sixth period was Spanish I with Mrs. Andrade. This class brings back some good memories. Especially the time, I got a detention for mocking the teacher's strong accent or the time she told Ron, he looked like her gynecologist, LMAO. Ahhhh..., the last period, but no, WHY MUST I GO OUTSIDE IN THE 90 DEGRESS WEATHERS AND DEHYDRATE MYSELF. "Ring, ring", said I. Now, I can say that I have survived my first day, only 719 left for me to conquer.In 10th grade, first hour I had the brilliant, Mrs. Mary Murley who taught me about the World. That was a fun class with Mike, David, Robbie, Rose, Nicole, Brooke, Maria, Angelo, and if I'm forgetting you, sorry. All the funny stories Murl's told us about the rulers of Europe and all the remarks she made about the stragglers in the class. Fighting with Jeffe for always sleeping, and letting two unnamed specimen cheat off of me, and Murley knew it, but hey, WHAT CAN I DO? Next, for the next 180 days, it was Spanish II with Mrs. Gervasio. She will never be forgotten. Has to be my favorite person I have ever met from New Jersey. Anything to make a student laugh, even if that was ridiculing another one. Remember all the smart freshman that I had to compete against in that class, mrs. "34" aka Jenna and Kokolina. The review games were always fun and beneficial. Third hour, was half the year spent with Mrs. Quevedo and half the year with crazy college guy we all know as Mr. Buck. Hmmm. I remember being the "Best Cascas" during our portrayal of Julius Caesar. Next, it was time to sing all those ballads with Mrs. Bolling. Half the days were just spent chatting with Chelsey, Stephanie, Joanna, Brooke, Cecila, Santiago, and many others. One funny thing that happened during that class, was my voice cracked numerous times while we were singing "You Raise Me Up", by Josh Groban. I remember the hilarious fights between Cecila and Stephanie. Oh yeah, and Max, always trying to put me in headlocks or practice his other wrestling move on me. Now, yes!, I got my way and was rewarded with Lunch A this time and never again will I have the torture of waiting till 12:18 to eat. I remember spending half my lunches laying out on the benches in the courtyard near the entrance, just sleeping and chatting about the latest Macintosh products with Ben, John, and Jason. Now, please don't even remind me of this hell. It was time for the most boring hour of the day, because it was hosted by the most boring teacher of the day. At least, I had some pretty outgoing classmates that made the class a bit more exciting such as Andrew, Josh, David, Veronica, Mikey, Jackie and the rest of you obviously did not have much of an impact on me. I still remember all the times her annoying children and their friends would come in to have a buffet. Also, the times she would belittle me in front of the class or the time I did my "Geometry rap", good times, good times. Now it was time to ACT in style with Mrs. Susie Rubin. I enjoyed listening to her gossip about her life, that was fun and I really enjoyed the monologues and the scripts I had to write and and act out, except for the time I got kicked off for being a little perverted, I'm a guy, I can't help it, or the time "accidentally pulled up one of my classmates provocative skirt and revealed her "goods" to them.(some of the guys thanked me for opening their eyes into their future, haha) The second half of the year, I had Mr. Weddle for TV Production I. I still remember watching Citizen Kane and all the simulations of the local news. Last period was a complete waste of my day. I'd rather be home sleeping, or getting my homework done. Much of seventh period was spent by babbling about the most random topics, such as Mr. Pope's crack in the back of his head or he spent his time caressing the female students. I sat next to Beth Weiner, Dan Davis, and Alex Zigman for the first half of the year, but after complaining to Mr. Pope about my "B", I was moved to the front of the room.As well all know, I was absent for a portion of the most important year of a high school student's life. But when I returned in the latter part of January, I remember having a great half year with some of Spanish River's best teachers. First hour, I had the privilege of getting the most chilled, laidback teacher that River has yet to seen. Sitting back, listening to some Jack Johnson and listening to many estrange articles of the day was one of my favorite pasttimes of junior year. Next it was time to work my vocals in Mrs. Bolling's Vocal Ensemble IV class. That year we practiced very heavily for our spring concert, and then we just chilled out the rest of the year. Fun stuff! Third hour was English with Spurgeon. My favorite time in that class would be the time spent working on our poems, because it required minimal work and was actually FUN. Remember Robbie telling Spurgeon that we see our grandparents to be nice just till they die and we get our trust funds, LMAO. Goody goody gumdrops, I get Mrs. Susie Rubin again, :). Half the days were spent with her sharing her traumatic stories with us about her rats, lmao. Ah...Mrs. Rubin, wherever you are, you definitely made that class fun and are one strong, opinionated lady. LUNCH, blah....! Sixth period was Espanol time with Mrs. Blanco. Mrs. Blanco will always be regarded by me as one of the most caring and accommodating teachers that River has yet to seen. From my death bed to the classroom, she was always there to whenever I needed her aid. I sat next to Shannon and she kept me occupied with her love/hate relationship with Marc. Last period of the day, YAY....and it was a BLAST. I had Mrs. Rothberg for Algebra II, and that was a piece of cake for me. Pulling the highest averages in the class with minimal study time and listening to Max share his ridiculous stories about his arrest.Finally, the year has come, where middle age teenagers become mature, young adults. We'll, I can't say that for everyone else, but it holds true with me, ask anyone! I am like a boring forty year old man, and I'm fine with being that guy, hehe. First hour, I had one teacher who I will never forget. Mrs. Leeds, what would I do without you? Without your very helpful lectures, and more importantly. your wondeful disposition. You were always there to accommodate me and always asked how I felt. I will never forget my chem partners. Faith, what would I do without you to keep my live spirited. Sami, always making me smile with your renditions of the latest hits played on Channel One and meshing well with me with our nervous mentalities. Keryn, I will miss calling you the "asian girl" and all your chitter chatter. Next, I had fun times in Trigonometry with Mrs. Castellano. Made learning matematicas, fun and easy. Stacy, what would i do without you to add some humor in my day or Amanda without your Connecticuit charm. Third hour, I had Mrs. Murley once again. Learnng once again about Europe. Have fun in retirement, Murls! Fourth hour was WOW, with Mr. Di-Figlio. Definitely the most talented teacher I have encountered in my eighteen years as a student. Everything from a brilliant AP Psychology teacher to a comedian to a talented singer. Fifth hour half the year was with Marks, and the other half with Yunker. Both interesting classes, but completely different layouts. Marks class was well organized and he had a regimentated schedule that he followed, while Yunker was more a chilled teacher who spent most of the time making jokes about himself or listening to the random crap that came out of various student such as Tammy and Maria. And as it comes to a close, :(, the last teacher who was given the privilege to teach me, hehe, was the infamous Ms. Counsil who was devoted to her job and did anything to make her students learn. Again, I had to put up with the stupidity that came out of certain people's mouth, but I was still able to learn a great deal including the works of Oscar Wilde, Franz Kafka, and Shakespear, and Henrik Ibsen.Weekends and holiday breaks were somewhat enjoyable. Throughout high school, I was not much of an alcoholic. Freshmen year, I remember spending half my weekends at Mike's house. Just kicking back and shooting some hoops, or playing the latest Playstation 2 games. During winter break, I went on the Carnival Victory, and I had an amazing time. Luckily, my sister met the man of her dreams, or so we all thought. One minor event that happened right after Winter Break, was the removal of my four wisdom teeth. Spring break, I went on the Golden Princess, which was like a Ritz Carlton on the sea. As a family ritual, I went to Southern California for summer vacation. Spending days of the time in La Jolla, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Venice, Laguna Beach, and Newport area. California use to be one of my favorite destinations until I got my denial from UCLA. Now, I have no desire to vacation to the West, and much rather take a trip to the Orient. Also, I went to New York and Connecticut. Living the jet set lifestyle, drinking expensive wines and driving around in 200k dollars Aston Martins. Ahh, that's the life! Sophomore year was a pretty decent year. Weekends, hmmm....spent doing LEGAL normal teenager things such as relaxing at Mizner Park, many weekends at the beach, movies, malls, and friend's houses. We lost like two weeks of school sophomore year, I remember. Because of all the hurricanes. Remember hosting the senior citizen barbecue at my house, which brings back memories of a person who I just loss recently. Right after winter break, I got the keys to my FIRST car, a maxed out limited JM Lexus Sports Edt. 2002 Lexus IS300. This car was the ideal teenager sports car. Chrome wheels, upgraded engine, and the works. But, junior year I moved onto bigger and maturer things, when I got my 06 IS250. Now, I'm thinking maybe a nice SC430 after college??? Christmas and Spring breaks sophomore year were the normal cruises, or just sitting back and relaxing. Summer of sophomore year was pretty AMAZING. First, I went to New York to visit some old friends and to enjoy the scenes of Manhattan, and then the real paradise began, except for my life saving accident in Whistler's mountain. Besides that, I met so many wonderful people that I still make it a top priority to IM everyday such as Sam and Michele. Junior year was a very morid year. Half of my weekends were spent on the 2nd floor of the Nicklaus Children's Hospital, me lying in bed with potent chemicals being pumped throughout my circulatory system. There was the occassional Steak N Shake trip with Mike and Triet, or the occassional visits, but junior year was basically a blank page in my photo album. BUT...then summer rolled again and my wish came true. I got to go to the places that I've dreampt of visiting since I was a twelve year old boy. Places that I will continue to visit throughout life, for pleasure and business deals. Asia was amazing, and probably the best trip I've ever been one. It will be one of the last big memories I will share with my father, as I will be relocating to a different state for college. Senior year, ahhh...yes. Many of my weekends were abandoned ones to be honest I moslty kept to myself, and did all my homework and studied like the OCD student I am. Much paid off, as I have achieved great grades, but I do regret not taking advantage of all the senior events. Homecoming and prom are probably on the top three list fr most important senior events, but I will never get to experience them in my lifetime. One of th best memories of senior year has to be GRAD NIGHT. Probably one of the very last times that I wlll get to be with my friends due to distance factors, except for those winter holiday and spring breaks. We'll....now it's over. And it's time to move onto bigger and better things like COLLEGE. But, it can be said that we have definitely matured together into bright young adults, or at least most of us. And we will continue to grow together, and see the final results at our reunions to come in distant future. Farewell class of 2007, be safe and always remember the the wave that gave you that push into the big open sea.
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